Monday, August 30, 2010

Upholstery Fair 2010

It wasn't just upholsterers...Sheryl McAfee of "A Stitch in Time Design" in Indianapolis explores ways to expand her custom window treatment business by offering light upholstery. In this class we built and upholstered a simple slipseat - the kind you would find in a dining chair or side chair. Those corners are trickier than they look :) We then attached them to a hand built footstool frame to take home and use.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

This is EXACTLY what I wear to work each day! :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Little Girls Powder Room

It all started with a remodeled bathroom and some Amy Butler towels from Bed, Bath, and Beyond. Jen wanted her 2 little girls to have stools for their new vanity tables. She bought a couple of stools just the right size on Amazon, and some co-ordinating fabric and had them shipped to me...

The slipcovers are lined and washable. They tie on under the skirt to stay put.
Jen wanted the look of the patchwork slipcovered chair at the top of this blog.
Here is one of the vanity stools in the bathroom - see the matching towels and washcloth? Cute!