Sunday, February 15, 2015

40 Years of Saturday Night Live.....What???

That first year...those first 5 years were awesome.  Technology was not yet more important than the creative content. Just look at this tv set complete with chairs seemingly (probably) picked up from the curb.....In 1975 at age 17, I wouldn't have imagined that in 40 years I would have a couple of chairs just like this in storage waiting to be reupholstered by me.

And, I have chairs from other shows too. What are the odds, considering I'm a serial curbside furniture saver....  
I bought a couple of these chairs from two different  consignment booths here in Lafayette. Perfect for the kitchen table I will be sitting at some time in the near future, drinking coffee while watching the birds and squirrels and other wildlife in the front yard. After I bought them, I saw them in the saloon of the old movie "Rio Bravo" with John Wayne, Dean Martin, and Ricky Nelson. "Hey! Those are my chairs!!" They're in storage now, but  will be repainted and fitted with new cushions to sit at the table in my newly remodeled kitchen....someday....
New Year's resolution #6 - Remodel....I'll be posting on the progress of these chairs soon!